Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Whole Different Experience

Last Friday afternoon (the 19th), Travis and I decided to head up to the hospital around three-thirty. They hooked me up to the monitors and watched my contractions for an hour or so.

Dr. Noorda made a quick appearance to break my water and wish me luck at 4:45. The contractions got pretty strong, pretty quick. I stuck it out on the IV meds for a little while and around 8 took the epideral. I asked for pitocin to speed things along and then had them turn the lights out in our room.

They came back to check my progress every so often, but mostly from 8 pm until 1 am Travis and I peacefully slept in the delivery room!

When my nurse came in at one o'clock she told me I was dilated to an eight. Before she had the chance to leave the room I told her that she needed to check again. She did and said, "Okay, you are at a nine," and within two minutes she checked again and said, "I will go call Doctor Noorda, you are ready to go!"

The roads were really snowy and it took him half-an-hour to arrive. It was so tough to just breath through the contractions and wait for him!

Once he was there I pushed for three contraction (around ten or fifteen minutes) and had a beautiful little baby! There was a little scare because the umbilical cord was wrapped tightly twice around his neck. The doctor cut it before he was born and all was well!

When he was born, he just looked around for the longest time. The nurses slapped his feet, gave him shots, turned him from side to side, and did all sorts of other things to try to get him to cry, but he wouldn't make a peep! I was kind of worried, but they said they weren't concerned because there were no signs of distress! It was almost a full day later when I finally got to hear him cry! (My mom was in my hospital room with me around eight that night and I had got up to use the bathroom. I heard the faintest little sweet cry and shouted to my mom, "Don't comfort him! I want to hear it!")

I feel so lucky! I am just in a constant state of "warm and fuzzy" (and absolute sleep-deprivation)!

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