Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, December 11, 2008


It sounded like a lot of fun to take Quinn to see Santa. He has seen Santa in movies and talks about him like he is an old buddy, however...

As soon as Quinn was within four feet of Santa he was crying hysterically, "Pleeease, no Claus! No want Claus!" As soon as we turned to walk away he yelled, "Bye Claus! Thanks! See you soon!" Travis called us a few minutes later and when he asked if he'd visited Santa, Quinn told him, "Cry, cry, cry. Nanta Claus." So I didn't end up with any pictures of Quinn with the big guy like I had hoped for. But we stopped by the Play Land while we were at the mall and I got a couple cute shots of him there:

After we got home, Quinn pinched his finger. I think he has the cutest little scrunched up face when he cries and asks for kisses, so I got the camera. When Quinn saw the camera -even thought he was still sobbing- he couldn't help but try his best to smile ("cheeeeese"). Super cute.

As soon as he was feeling better he was back off to his room to play. From the next room I asked him, "What are you doing?" and he said, "A doctor." Then, as proud as he could be, he came in to show me that he is Doctor Quinn... Medicine Baby!

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