Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An End In Sight

I had my thirty-four week checkup yesterday, and my doctor finally told me that he (AGAIN) will not be around for my due-date. I have been asking him at every visit what his plans are for Christmas time and he has always assured me (until now) that he will be the one to deliver Miles. He says he still plans to be the one to do it... as long as my body 'seems to be getting ready' on the 20th or 21st of December. That is the tentative weekend for an induction! So as far as I am concerned, I will have a brand new baby on the 20th or 21st of December! Otherwise some other doc will be the one... and I think I will find a new doctor if that happens; I chose Dr. Noorda as my baby-havin' doc because I want him to deliver my babies, not so he can plan vacations for my due dates! (He had a sudden family vacation to Hawaii the week that Quinn was due!)

Thinking back to when Quinn was born:

It was on a Saturday that I woke up and told Travis, "Honey, I am not sure what we are laying in; if I wet the bed I am SO SORRY!" Even though we weren't totally sure if my water had broke we decided to go up to Labor and Delivery and find out (I just kept thinking how embarrassing it would be to be wrong). Before we could head up there I was convinced that I needed to complete my Hospital Bag. The only thing from my checklist that I didn't have yet were toothbrushes for Travis and me. We lived about a block away from the Dollar Store, so I walked over to buy some. On my walk it became VERY clear to me that my water had indeed broke! With each step there was less and less doubt. I probably should have turned around and headed home, but... I decided that walking around the Dollar Store "like that" was okay in this situation. I even stopped to shop around! When I got home we called the hospital to let them know we were coming. They said we should hurry right up... but I wasn't ready quite yet. Being a baby magazine junky, I had read an article that said the only thing of your own that you are able to wear during labor is your bra. For some reason at that time, it seemed really important that I buy a new bra! So, we headed to Kohls to do some bra shopping!

Eventually we made it to the hospital (it was almost noon by then). That's when they told us that Noorda was in Hawaii and Dr Fowers would be delivering my baby. I had met him quite a few times before (he is one of three doctors in my doctor's office) so it really bugged me when he came in and introduced himself. HELLO.. if you have been down there you should at least remember that we've met! I hadn't had even a single contraction so they decided to give me an IV with pitocin to hurry things along. My nurse... well, what can I say about the first nurse? I'll just tell the story and you can probably get a feel for what I am trying to say... My nurse tried three times to put my IV in. The first time she went all the way through the vain, the second time something else, and another excuse the third time... she blamed my veins. She then told us that the policy was that after three misses another nurse would be in to try. The other nurse came in, told me how beautiful my veins were, and put in a painless IV within seconds! My nurse returned a minute later and I asked her if she would take a picture of Travis and me. She said, "Oh, I can't take pictures because of my tremors. The pictures turn out fuzzy because of how bad I shake. I will go get the other nurse again and she can take a picture for you." WHAT!? If you have horrible tremors then why the hell were you poking big needles in me??

Just got there; still going strong!

Drugged up... it's about time!

Moving on... after a LOOONNGG and HOOORRRIBBLE afternoon of declining the epidural (WHY WOULD I DECLINE THE EPIDURAL??) I finally agreed to it around 8 pm. After that time went by a lot faster! At 1:45 am Quinn arrived! He was absolutely gorgeous, but his head was SUPER cone shaped! Travis tells the story of watching him be born. He was an upside-down baby (face-up) and Travis said he saw his head and waited for his face... more head... more head... Where's my baby's face?? It was a lot better by the next day!

Check out that Cone-Head!

Our first family picture... with that one doc (have we met?)

They cleaned Quinn up and let me hold him for a few minutes. His breathing was kind of funny so they took him to the NICU. They said it was probably because it had been so long between the time my water broke and the time he was born. I will not be going bra shopping this time around! I spent a LOT of time hobbling up and down the halls to the NICU and back to my room for the next couple of days!

These are the machines that they had Quinn on for his first two days.

I told Travis and my mom, "No matter what I say in the future, please remind me that I don't ever want to go through this again! I am not just saying it, I really mean it. Please remind me that I don't want more kids." That was about a year before I was pregnant again!


Sheena said...

That was fun to read. I didnt know the story behind Quinn's birth.

And so much for not having another one. ;)I am sorry you havent had the best prego experience. Having a CS sure made it a breeze and no pain for me. Thanks to the great Schenavar genes.

Amber said...

I think after the first time I would have said new nurse NOW!! (please) There is no reason it should take 3 times! Oh well I guess she had the tremors! But anyway, I hope your delivery is much smoother this time. I just pop babies out like nothing so I can't imagine how awful that would have been to be in labor that long.

And for Sheena's comment. I didn't know she had a CS. That would have been even worse!