Here it is:
It's not a trip too far down memory lane... I copied all of my pics onto CDs when my laptop was having issues recently, and it just so happens that the fourth folder is the folder where all of my recent pictures are! This is a picture from last Saturday (Oct. 18). My brother and his family, my dad, and my family all went to "Boo at the Zoo" at Willow Park. Quinn was dressed as a ninja (I forgot his pirate costume at my Grandma's house and this ninja one just happen to be around our house). We were waiting in line at one of the "Spooky Station" activities and Quinn sat on the pumpkins! I tried to take a few pictures, but he wouldn't look at the camera so I gave up!
I only know two people with blogs, and you have both already done this one, so I guess the tag stops here?...
It was so cute when Chloe got out of the stroller and she had seen Quinn sitting on the pumpkin she had to do the same so I have one of her on that pumpkin too!
I dont know if you will be around tomorrow but Kyndra and I are headed out to g-ma's around 4. You should come if you can.
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