Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Feeling Crafty

Due to overwhelming demand (if there are two of you who have seen my blog and one of you requests something, I can call it 'overwhelming demand', right?), I have taken a few pictures to share of things I have made lately!

  • First of all, I have been obsessively making Boppy slipcovers for a while now. I am so lucky to have come across a couple of people with "naked Boppys" so my personal collection of the covers has narrowed! Here are a few of my favorites:

  • I have also been experimenting with sewing burp cloths. These actually have batting in them, so if Miles is like Quinn was, these will definitely come in handy.

  • For my niece and for Quinn I am starting to make 'felt food' for Christmas presents. Here is a very small sampling of what I have done so far (I have no idea where the rest of it has ended up!). This is a piece of bacon and part of a hamburger:

  • My super-crafty cousin was sweet enough to let me in on the secret of making tile-art. Like everything else, I have taken this on as a new obsession! Here are a couple that I have finished and a couple more that are in the process. The Curious George one is made from the dust jacket of one of Quinn's books; I am also working on 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' and 'The Giving Tree' from his book jackets!

  • And let's not forget the most exhausting work-in-progress of them all:

30 weeks pregnant

(I am surprised by how difficult it was to take a picture of my own belly!)


Sheena said...

your tile pix turned out so good! Did you find the stuff online or did you have to go to Layton to get it like i had to?

I might try doing actual pictures of us! I will let you know how that goes and if you have already tried it tell me how it went for you!

I am really loving you having a blog.

Sarah said...

I found a couple of places that I could order things to do tile pictures online, but it ended up being a lot cheaper to make the drive!

I am planning to do one of our Wedding day, but I need to get more boards first. So, if you beat me to it let me know how it works out! Also I am going to try making one of Quinn's artwork! That should be fun!