Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

A Happy (and long) Halloween

We started out the morning by bowling with Grandpa Neil. This is Quinn's second time bowling and he LOVES it! He laughs and claps the whole time!

Before we left the Fun Park he really wanted to ride in the "big truck" with Snoopy. He had a blast!

By the time we made it out of there he was ready for his nap...

After his nap we met up with Susie and Taiya for trick-or-treating at the mall. Quinn wasn't too excited about the whole crowded experience, but he got through it!

We went to Quinn's Aunt Jo-Jo's house and hung out with the family for a little while...

and then headed to his Great-Grandma and Grandpa's house. We stopped to visit Grandma Mona on the way home.

By the time we left there, Quinn was so tired he didn't know what to do. He would start to cry and then it would turn into a laugh and back into a cry.

It didn't take very long for him to fall asleep tonight. It is not going to take long for me to fall asleep either!


Friday, October 24, 2008

The Fourth Picture

Here are the 'Fourth Picture' rules: Post the fourth picture that is in the fourth folder on your computer. Write a brief description of the picture. Keep the tag going by tagging four people (I was tagged by Sheena!).
Here it is:

It's not a trip too far down memory lane... I copied all of my pics onto CDs when my laptop was having issues recently, and it just so happens that the fourth folder is the folder where all of my recent pictures are! This is a picture from last Saturday (Oct. 18). My brother and his family, my dad, and my family all went to "Boo at the Zoo" at Willow Park. Quinn was dressed as a ninja (I forgot his pirate costume at my Grandma's house and this ninja one just happen to be around our house). We were waiting in line at one of the "Spooky Station" activities and Quinn sat on the pumpkins! I tried to take a few pictures, but he wouldn't look at the camera so I gave up!

I only know two people with blogs, and you have both already done this one, so I guess the tag stops here?...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Handome... no matter what!

I have done some calming down since last night and I just wanted to say: QUINN IS STILL A GORGEOUS BOY!! I know that it is a super-drastic and unintentional 'hair-do', but it has grown on me a LOT and I think that -in its own little way- it is ADORABLE!

Quinn seems to like it, too! He rubs his head a lot. When I brought the clippers upstairs to put them away he just had to play with them first. He rubbed them back and forth on his head saying. "Zzzzzz." What a good sport!

I have also done some reading and it seems like it won't be too very long before he doesn't look quite like this anymore! Yea!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Okay, so I have been thinking for a few days now that Quinn was in need of a haircut. It was my job to cut his hair when it needed to be done with scissors, when it was too thin to just run clippers through it, but since it has thickened up it has been Travis who has kept it short. Well, Travis was at the grocery store tonight, when I decided that I should just hurry and get it done before it was time for Quinn to go to bed. I haven't been that involved in the hair-trimming process lately, but really, HOW HARD COULD IT BE?? I got the clippers out of Travis' drawer, strapped the kid in his booster seat, and gave him a sucker (the usually prep for cutting his hair)...

I turned on the clippers and ran them straight back down the middle of his head. And then I dropped the clippers and kinda screamed. I HADN'T PUT THE ATTACHMENT ON THE CLIPPERS!! MY KID HAD A BALD STREAK RIGHT DOWN THE CENTER OF HIS HEAD!!

I freaked out and I grabbed the phone. I called and told Travis what I'd done and said, "WHAT DO I DO?? WHAT DO I DO??" Well, of course there is nothing I could do, so I got the camera, took a few pictures, and then finished off the ABSOLUTE DISASTER.

When it was over I carried Quinn into the bathroom and showed him his reflection in the mirror. His hand immediately went to his head and he said (wide-eyed), "Wow." Since then he has also muttered things like, "Gone," and "Ohhh," while rubbing his bald little (big) head. Baby Boy, MOMMY IS SO SORRY!! WE WILL GET YOU NEW HATS TOMORROW!!

Does anyone know how long it takes for a little boy's hair to grow back?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Feeling Crafty

Due to overwhelming demand (if there are two of you who have seen my blog and one of you requests something, I can call it 'overwhelming demand', right?), I have taken a few pictures to share of things I have made lately!

  • First of all, I have been obsessively making Boppy slipcovers for a while now. I am so lucky to have come across a couple of people with "naked Boppys" so my personal collection of the covers has narrowed! Here are a few of my favorites:

  • I have also been experimenting with sewing burp cloths. These actually have batting in them, so if Miles is like Quinn was, these will definitely come in handy.

  • For my niece and for Quinn I am starting to make 'felt food' for Christmas presents. Here is a very small sampling of what I have done so far (I have no idea where the rest of it has ended up!). This is a piece of bacon and part of a hamburger:

  • My super-crafty cousin was sweet enough to let me in on the secret of making tile-art. Like everything else, I have taken this on as a new obsession! Here are a couple that I have finished and a couple more that are in the process. The Curious George one is made from the dust jacket of one of Quinn's books; I am also working on 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' and 'The Giving Tree' from his book jackets!

  • And let's not forget the most exhausting work-in-progress of them all:

30 weeks pregnant

(I am surprised by how difficult it was to take a picture of my own belly!)

Monday, October 13, 2008

What's New?

I have come to the point in pregnancy in which it feels like I have been pregnant FOREVER! It's the super achy, tired, ornery part of pregnancy called: The Third Trimester.

I am SO grateful for my wonderful husband who rubs my back and shoulders and runs out in the night to get whatever it is I may be craving. Strangly, though, lately it has been middle of the night craft cravings... "Honey, will you go to Walmart and get me a roll of batting?" or "Baby, would you PLEASE go see if they have styrafoam balls?" and "Sweetie, would you see how many colors of felt from my list they have at the store? (FYI: Wal-mart has a very limited felt selection.)" Not that I didn't send him out to try to get me a Wendy's baked potato tonight (didn't they used to stay open later?).

I have been going through all of Quinn's teeny-tiny clothes -and adding more to the collection- for Baby Miles. I have a few super cute pair of little shoes that Quinn carries around saying "Miles-shoes", but the way it sound is, "Mouse-Oosh". I love my little man SO MUCH!!
My Little Pirate:
I dressed Quinn up in his Halloween Costume today with the intentions of doing a photo-shoot. Unfortunately after he was all ready I realized that I only had space for 4 pictures on my memory card. I had never gotten around to saving pictures from the Jack Johnson concert Travis and I went to a couple months ago and I just couldn't bear to erase them!! So, Quinn and I will attempt another pirate photo-shoot soon!
(The reason I only have a couple Halloween Pics of my little pirate-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


A few months ago, my grandma's sweet, loving sister Janet passed away. She was such an awesome person! She always had such nice things to say to brighten any day! A couple of weeks after she passed away, her twin sister (also sweet and loving!) called me with the offer of Janet's sewing maching. I was flattered that she thought of me...
Here is a little background on my sewing history:

  • I was kicked out of Home Ec. in 8th grade.

  • My senior year I recieved extra credit for sewing baby blankets for donation; all I did was pick out the fabric, and let my grandma do the rest!

  • When I first started dating Travis I had the idea to tie quilts for him and for Dalton as Christmas present; all I did was pick out the fabric, and let my grandma do the rest (sorry, honey, it's true)!

So, even though I didn't plan to get a lot of use out of it, I was honored that Janet's machine would be mine. It sat in my hallway for about a month before I got it moved into my bedroom and set up. I had my grandma come over and teach me how to thread it, and I printed a pattern for "boppy covers" (nursing pillow slipcovers) off of the internet- the pattern printed on 12 normal sized papers and had to be cut and taped together. And ever since I started, I CAN'T STOP SEWING!

I had no idea that I would love it so much! I have made a new Boppy Cover almost every day (know anyone with a need for one?) and I also make burp cloths like I just can't get enough! I am attempting to sew "felt food" as Christmas present for the kiddos in my life, and I love every second I get with my sewing maching! WHO KNEW (definately not my eighth grade home economics teacher!)?