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Friday, March 26, 2010

1st Weigh-In (Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnn)

The first day of Ultimate Loser was this past Monday, so this weigh-in only reflects the past five (well, we weighed first thing this morning, so four) days.  The exciting total:  FIVE POUND WEIGHT LOSS in 4 days!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Ultimate Loser!!

I am SO FREAKIN' PUMPED!!  Today was day four of  the Sports Academy Ultimate Loser training.  It is SO HARD!!  I am absolutely shaking by the end of (middle of... 5 minutes into) it.  We alternate between two awesome trainers and mix up the workouts like crazy.  In addition to the one hour of ass-kicking training I have been meeting my goal of an additional hour at the gym.  I am not at the point where I stay after training... I come home for an hour or two between, but I always go back!  

One of the most awesome things that this program entails is an EXERSPY (updated Body Bugg, like Biggest Loser contestants wear).  It is FREAKY how much this thing knows!!  I wear it all of the time (minus showers) on my upper arm and it constantly tracks my activity and the calories that I have burned.  You can click into each MINUTE OF THE DAY and see how many calories were burned.  You can also find out sleep patterns.  Even though I lay in bed for about eight hours each night (so I totally thought I was sleeping eight hours) when I clicked into the breakdown it showed how often I was awake and laying down, or when I would sit up for a minute, and also when I was actually asleep.  After taking it all into account it turns out I am only sleeping just over six hours each night!

The Exerspy goes along with a food log (type in what you ate and it finds the calorie intake right down to taking the brand you were eating into account) that updates calories and compares to the calorie expenditure and at any give time you can see your calorie deficit!  It is SO EXCITING!  I weigh in tomorrow, but I feel super-good about it!  Even though I am the biggest chick in the group I am doing very well at keeping up and, well, KICKING BUTT!!